New Features in Bagisto v1.4.3

New Features in Bagisto v1.4.3

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at all the new features in Bagisto v1.4.3. Continuous improvement is essential for processes to eliminate inefficiencies while still delivering excellent outcomes, and Bagisto is committed to providing excellence with every new
release. So without missing a beat, let’s dive into what is new features in Bagisto v1.4.3.

New Features in Bagisto v1.4.3

Announcing New Features in Bagisto v1.4.3:

1. Bagisto Publish Command:

Alongside the new features, a new command has been added to the Bagisto for publishing assets! Just type “PHP artisan Bagisto: publish” into your terminal, and all the files will be uploaded to your public directory. There needs to be a command such as (PHP artisan Bagisto: publish –all –force) or something similar to this to avoid the use of (PHP artisan vendor: publish –all –force) since most of the time, we don’t want to publish all vendors. Even (– all) is not necessary simply (– force). In the installation, we also have the ability to modify the installation. This means that we don’t have to depend on it.

2. Include a frontend link to the admin product list or product detail page:

When working in the admin panel, there are times when you need to check something on the front quickly. For example, when editing a product, we might want to check how it looks on the category page or the product page. But going back and forth between the backend and the frontend can take a lot of time. In order to make life easier, there is a new feature in Bagisto v1.4.3 that allows you to open a link to the frontend from the admin product list or product detail page. Simply click the “View on Frontend” button and you’ll be taken to the correct page on the frontend.

3. In the configuration, including the option to enable the WYSIWYG editor

Some people love the WYSIWYG editor, and others prefer to code their own HTML. In order to make everyone happy, there is an added option in the configuration that allows you to enable or disable the WYSIWYG editor. Simply go to Stores > Configuration > General > Content Management, and then scroll down to the “Use WYSIWYG Editor” setting. From here, you can decide if you have to make use of the editor or not.

4. Ability to remove all items from the cart at once

The ability to remove all cart items at once is a useful feature that can save you time when
you need to clear out your cart. In order to use this feature, simply go to your cart page and click on the “Remove All Items” button. This will remove all of the items from your cart so that you can start fresh.

Bug fixes New Features In Bagisto v1.4.3:

The added new features in the Bagisto 1.4.3 version have fixed some bug issues too. There is
a complete list down below.
1. Cancel an order that has already been shipped, resulting in an incorrect inventory amount.
2. The currency icon has priority on the dropdown menu for currencies if the app’s language
is Arabic.
3. The enter key isn’t functioning if the administrator wants to use the enter key filter.
4. There shouldn’t be an exception in the event that the admin is trying to view an order
following the deletion of a customer on an identical ranking.
5. The upload image option must be located slightly to the right if a buyer writes a review
about a product.
Now, Bagisto 1.4.3 is a significant update that brings new features and bug fixes to improve the experience for both administrators and customers.